Scale App Environments
Jan 21, 2025
When spinning up App environments, you are able to provision an initial set of worker nodes (EC2 nodes in case of AWS) via Environment templates, to run your application containers. What if your customer (in case of private deployments) buys new seats, deploys your tool in new teams or simply increase their usage?
From today, you can change the configuration of worker nodes from within the new "Scaling" tab in just a few simple clicks.
Go to your App environment settings section and visit "Scaling" tab.

Change your existing Node type to pick any new type supported by the underlying cloud provider (eg., AWS) and click save. Trigger a new deployment from within your app environment. This will seamlessly bring up new nodes and terminate the old nodes within few minutes.
Within the same Scaling tab, you can also keep the same node type and simply increase the Node count. Again, this will bring up the new worker nodes within a minute in the underlying cloud account to run your application.
To utilize the new worker nodes in your application, please make sure you increase the replica count of your pods within relevant deployment.yaml. You can also make this a configurable value in values.yaml so that you can change this count on the fly by just triggering a new deployment with new values.
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